What is a repeat sentence in PTE

What is a repeat sentence in PTE?

Repeat Sentence is the most important question in the PTE Academic Exam, carrying 51.8 marks, the highest amongst all other questions. It is a part of the Speaking Section developed to evaluate your ability to listen and accurately state the sentence. It tests both the English spoken skills and the listening skills.
In this article, our expert tutors at PTE Success Online will provide you with complete details about the repeat sentence task, secret tips and strategies for scoring 50+ marks in the section, and some of the most common questions along with samples.
PTE Success Online is the fastest-growing PTE platform in Australia, tutoring 1000+ students with a 98% success rate and 10+ years of experience. Our 20+ instructors guarantee you will achieve your dream PTE score.

How do I prepare for a repeat sentence?
The repeat sentence, worth 51.8 marks, has a total time period of 10–12 minutes to answer the questions where a sentence provided by the prompt must be repeated. You shall hear a sentence spoken aloud, after which you must repeat the sentence exactly as you heard it.
The sentences provided can be simple or complex. After the sentence is spoken, you will also hear a short beep about when you should start speaking. Your responsibility is to repeat the sentence as accurately as possible in the exact and correct order.
The Repeat Sentence Task assesses your memory retention, listening, pronunciation, and fluency skills in the English language.

10+ Secret Tips, Tricks, and Strategies for a 50+ Repeat Sentence Score

  1. Active Listening
  2. Chunking and pausing
  3. Repetition and practice
  4. Memory Sharpening (Flash Card Technique)
  5. Focus on Content Words
  6. Immediate Echoing
  7. Use of Mnemonics
  8. Stress and Intonation Mimicking
  9. Use of Anchors
  10. Accent Practice
  11. Record and analyze technique

Active Listening
Pay close attention to the sentence as it’s being spoken. Try to understand the structure and meaning of the sentence, which can be processed more effortlessly.
Chunking and pausing
Always break the sentence into smaller parts, or “chunks,” in your mind for better memorization, easing the remembering process.
Repetition and practice
Regular practice can improve your ability to remember and repeat sentences. Use practice tests and recordings to get used to the repetition. Spend 10–15 minutes repeating the process.
Memory Sharpening (Flash Card Technique)
A Sharp Memory is the Secret Sauce to the 50+ Score in the Repeat Sentence Task. Use visualization and the mnemonic technique to better remember the sentence. Utilize flash cards to sharpen your memory.
Focus on Content Words
If you fail to remember the entire sentence, then try to recall and repeat the content words, i.e., nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, as they are the anchors behind the meaning of the sentence.
Immediate Echoing
Silently repeat the sentence to yourself as soon as it’s spoken to increase memory retention. Mouthing the words without actually speaking them can help without triggering the microphone.
Use of Mnemonics
Develop mnemonic devices to remember the structure and key elements of the sentence. For instance, if the sentence is “The conference will begin at 9 AM in the main hall,” you might remember “conference, 9 AM, main hall” as a mnemonic.
Stress and Intonation Mimicking
Pay attention to the speaker’s stress and intonation patterns. Stress and intonation deliver a more natural and accurate reproduction of the sentence, like a native speaker.
Use of Anchors
Identify anchor words or phrases within the sentence that are easy to recall. Anchors help you piece together the rest of the sentence around them.
Accent Practice
Expose yourself to different English accents by listening to various speakers.
Record and analyze technique
Record yourself practicing repeat-sentence tasks and play them back. Compare your responses to the original sentences to identify areas where you can improve.
Repeat Sentence Scoring Criteria
You shall be provided with 10–12 sentences spoken through the computer, which must be repeated aloud as they are. It tests the speaking and listening abilities of the test-taker.

Common repeat-sentence phrases

  1. The library opens at 8 a.m. on weekdays.
  2. She enjoys painting landscapes during her free time.
  3. The professor discussed climate change in today’s lecture.
  4. They traveled to Japan for their honeymoon last year.
  5. His favorite sport is soccer, and he plays every weekend.
  6. The new restaurant downtown serves delicious Italian cuisine.
  7. We need to submit the project by Friday afternoon.
  8. The movie was both thrilling and emotional.
  9. The company announced a major breakthrough in technology.
  10. She adopted a cute puppy from the animal shelter.
  11. He attends yoga classes every Monday and Wednesday.
  12. The museum’s exhibition features ancient Egyptian artifacts.

How long is the repeat-sentence task?
The Repeat Sentence Task can last from 10 minutes to 12 minutes, depending on the test-taker.

Repeat Sentence Practice Resources
PTE Success Online provides exclusive resources and VIP access to Apeuni for practicing repeat sentences to achieve a 50+ score in the test. Our tutors will also provide structured guides and techniques for better tackling the repeat-sentence questions.

In the PTE Academic Exam, the Repeat Sentence task in the Speaking Test carries 51.8 marks, the highest among all questions. It assesses your listening skills and ability to repeat the sentence accurately. This article by PTE Success Online is the ultimate guide to achieving a 50+ score. We provide practice resources, VIP Apeuni Subscription, mock tests, and regular practice to help you ace the task and improve your overall performance in the PTE Speaking Test.