Simple Pricing Plans

Get Access to the most cost-effective to get your desired PTE Score, and take unlimited classes until you succeed


Other PTE Courses

Expensive, Impersonal and One Time Only
  • Limited Amount of Sessions
  • No Contact with Instructor
  • Pre-Recorded Video Materials
  • 1 Hour Interaction with Instructor
  • Thousands of Pages of Confusing Book and Templates
  • No On-Demand Access to Instructors
  • No Access to Apeuni
  • No Follow Up after Test
  • No Retry Choice

PTE Success Online

Cost-Effective, Friendly, Personal and Unlimited
  • Unlimited Amount of Sessions
  • Live Classes and Exclusive Contact with Instructor
  • Carefully Curated and Simplified Booklets and Templates
  • Interactive Live Sessions with Bonus Video Materials
  • Unlimited Interaction with Instructor
  • On-Demand Access to Instructors
  • Exclusive VIP Access to Apeuni
  • Regular Followup, Feedback and Assessment
  • Continue Sessions until desired PTE Score is achieved

Choose The Right One For You

You Choose and We Deliver. Select one among the three diverse plans developed by PTE Success Online LLC.

PTE Basic Plan

The PTE Basic Plan is a simple and cost-effective plan designed for students with baseline knowledge of the English language.

PTE Standard Plan

The Standard PTE Plan is designed to distil a complete balance of personalization, peer learning, and cost-effectiveness.

PTE Unlimited Plan

The PTE Unlimited Plan limitlessly develops your English language skills and prepares for achieving your desired score.

Do you have Questions?

Your PTE needs will be our burden once you join the PTE Success Online Family.

PTE Success Online LLC has been incorporated in Melbourne, Australia and operates throughout Australia. The Materials inside the Website have been copyrighted under Australian Law.