How Noise at the Test Center Affects PTE Scores

How Noise at the Test Center Affects PTE Scores


Taking the PTE Academic test can be stressful. One thing that can make it harder is noise at the test center. This article will talk about how noise can affect your PTE scores and what you can do about it.

What is PTE Academic?

PTE Academic is an English language test. It checks how well you can speak, write, read, and listen in English. Many schools and jobs ask for PTE scores. The test is taken on a computer at a test center.

Types of Noise at Test Centers

Test centers can have different kinds of noise:

  1. People talking
  2. Doors opening and closing
  3. Computer sounds
  4. Traffic noise from outside
  5. Air conditioning or heating sounds

Some of these noises happen all the time. Others come and go. Both types can be a problem when you’re trying to focus on your test.

How Noise Affects Test-Takers

Noise can make it hard to do well on the PTE test in several ways:

1. Hard to Hear the Audio

Some parts of the PTE test use audio. You have to listen and then answer questions. If there’s noise, you might not hear the audio clearly. This can lead to wrong answers.

2. Trouble Focusing

Noise can distract you. It can make it hard to pay attention to the test. You might have to read things more than once. This can slow you down.

3. Stress and Worry

Noise can make you feel stressed. You might worry that you’re missing something important. This can make you feel nervous and affect how well you do.

4. Speaking Test Problems

In the speaking part of the PTE, you have to talk into a microphone. Background noise might get picked up. This could make it harder for the computer to understand you.

How Noise Affects Different PTE Sections

Let’s look at how noise can affect each part of the PTE test:


This part is most affected by noise. You need to hear clearly to answer questions. Any background noise can make this harder.


Noise can distract you when you’re trying to read. You might lose your place or have to reread things.


When writing, you need to think clearly. Noise can interrupt your thoughts. It might be harder to come up with ideas or organize your writing.


Background noise can get into your microphone. This might make your answers harder to understand. It could lower your score.

What Test Centers Do About Noise

Good test centers try to keep the noise down. They might:

  1. Use sound-proof rooms
  2. Ask people to be quiet
  3. Fix noisy equipment
  4. Choose locations away from busy streets

But they can’t stop all the noise. That’s why it’s good to be ready for some noise during your test.

What You Can Do About Noise

Here are some things you can do to deal with noise during your PTE test:

  1. Practice with background noise: Before your test, try studying with some noise around you. This can help you get used to it.
  2. Use the headphones: The test center gives you headphones. Use them. They can block out some noise.
  3. Focus on your screen: Try to focus only on your computer screen. This can help you ignore other things around you.
  4. Speak clearly: In the speaking part, speak clearly and a bit louder than normal. This can help if there’s background noise.
  5. Stay calm: If noise is bothering you, take a deep breath. Try to stay calm. Getting upset will only make it harder to focus.
  6. Ask for help if needed: If the noise is really bad, tell the test center staff. They might be able to help.


Noise at the test center can affect your PTE scores. It can make it hard to hear, focus, and do your best. But if you know what to expect, you can be ready for it. Practice dealing with noise before your test. Use the tips in this article to help you focus. Remember, everyone taking the test has to deal with the same noises. Stay calm and do your best. Good luck with your PTE Academic test!